O que Fazer Antes de “Remapear” seu Veículo

What to Do Before “Remapping” Your Vehicle

1 - Operational Protocols when Performing a File Editing Service to Increase Power

Vehicle Mileage Check

Before remapping to increase power, it is essential to check the vehicle's mileage. This is done to verify that the engine is in good condition to withstand the modifications and maximize the benefits of remapping.

Importance of Verification

Checking your vehicle's mileage is crucial for several reasons:

Engine Conditioning: Engines with high mileage may be near the end of their useful life. A worn engine may not be able to handle the increased performance provided by remapping, resulting in performance issues and possible damage.

Performance Experience: An engine at the end of its useful life may not allow the driver to fully experience the performance improvements provided by remapping. Investing in a remap for an engine that will need significant repairs soon may not be advantageous.

Problem Prevention: Identifying and avoiding intervention in engines that require maintenance or reconstruction helps prevent future problems. This is especially important to prevent an already compromised engine from suffering additional failures due to increased power.

Compare with Maintenance Intervals:

Manufacturer's Recommendations: Check the manufacturer's recommended maintenance intervals in the vehicle manual.

Mileage Assessment: Compare the vehicle's current mileage to these ranges to determine whether the engine is close to needing a complete overhaul or rebuild.

By following these steps, you will be able to assess whether the vehicle's engine is suitable for remapping or whether maintenance is necessary before proceeding. This will ensure that the vehicle can make the most of the benefits of increased power safely and effectively.

Checking your mileage is a simple but vital step in the process of preparing for a remap. Ensures that the engine is in good condition and ready to receive modifications, preventing future problems and ensuring an improved driving experience.

1.2 - Check Valve Fuel Pressure Test

The Fuel Pump

In diesel direct injection systems such as PDE (Pumpe-Düse-Einheit), the fuel pump plays a crucial role by supplying fuel under high pressure directly to the injectors. These systems operate at very high pressures, typically in the range of 1,500 to 2,000 bar (approximately 21,750 to 29,000 psi). The fuel pump ensures that fuel is injected into the combustion chamber at the pressure required for efficient atomization, crucial for proper combustion and engine performance.

Importance of Testing

Proper fuel pressure is essential for efficient and safe engine operation. If the pressure is outside the recommended parameters, it may result in poor performance, excessive fuel consumption or even engine damage. Maintaining the correct pressure ensures that the engine operates optimally, providing the necessary power and fuel efficiency.

Check Valve Function and Importance of Testing

The fuel return valve has the function of regulating the pressure in the injection system, returning excess fuel to the tank. Testing the pressure in the return valve region is essential to ensure that the fuel pump and injectors are operating within the correct specifications. Inadequate pressure in the return valve may indicate problems in the injection system that could compromise engine efficiency.

Fuel Pressure Test Procedure

Necessary equipment

Use a fuel pressure gauge suitable for the high pressures typical of diesel direct injection systems.

Connect the Manometer:

Connect the pressure gauge to the fuel line, in the region of the return valve, where it is possible to measure the pressure without interfering with the main supply.

Starting the Engine:

Start the engine and observe the fuel pressure reading at idle.

Test in Different Conditions:

Idling: The pressure must be between 3 and 3.5 bar.

Acceleration: Accelerate the engine and observe the pressure, which should increase to a range between 4.5 and 5 bar.

Shutdown: After switching off the engine, the pressure should hold at around 3 bar and should not drop instantly. This indicates that the system is maintaining pressure properly and that there are no leaks or failures in the return valve.

Compare Readings:

Compare the readings obtained with the manufacturer's specifications. Any deviation from the recommended values ​​may indicate problems in the fuel system, such as a faulty fuel pump, failed pressure regulator or clogged injectors.

Performing the fuel pressure test on the return valve is essential to ensure that the vehicle's engine is operating efficiently and safely. Following these procedures helps identify and correct problems in the fuel system, ensuring that the pressure is within the correct parameters, which is essential for the engine's performance and durability.

1.3 - Turbine and Intercooler Leak Test


Leaks in the turbocharger system can result in loss of power, increased fuel consumption and pollutant emissions. Ensuring system integrity is essential to optimizing engine performance.

What are Turbine and Intercooler:


Function: The turbine, or turbo, is a device that increases engine power by forcing more air into the combustion chamber. It uses the engine's exhaust gases to turn a propeller which, in turn, compresses the air entering the engine.

Benefits: Increases engine volumetric efficiency, providing more power without increasing engine size.


Function: The intercooler is a heat exchanger that cools the air compressed by the turbo before it enters the combustion chamber. Cooler air is denser, allowing more oxygen to enter the chamber, improving combustion.

Benefits: Increases engine efficiency and reduces operating temperature, preventing overheating problems.

Intake manifold:

Function: The intake manifold distributes intake air to the engine cylinders. It ensures that each cylinder receives the correct amount of air for efficient combustion.

Check: It is important to check the intake manifold to ensure there are no obstructions, build-up of debris, cracks or leaks that could interfere with air intake. A clean, unobstructed and undamaged intake manifold ensures the engine operates at maximum efficiency and performance.

Why is Cold Air Denser?

When air is compressed by the turbo, it heats up due to the increase in pressure. The intercooler cools this compressed air. Air density is inversely proportional to temperature: cold air has molecules closer together, increasing the amount of oxygen in a given volume. More oxygen available in the combustion chamber improves combustion efficiency, resulting in more power and lower pollutant emissions.

Visual inspection:

Checking Connections and Hoses: Examine all connections, hoses and the intercooler itself to detect cracks, holes or loose connections.

Pressure Test:

Using a Pressure Leak Test Kit: Connect the kit to the system and apply pressure.

Soap Application: Use a soap and detergent solution on connections and suspect areas. If there are leaks, bubbles will form, indicating the presence of leaks.

Leak Detection: Apply a soap solution to suspected connections and areas. Observe the formation of bubbles, which indicate the presence of leaks.

1.4 - Cleaning and Checking the Integrity of Sensors Around the Engine

Importance of Cleaning and Inspection

Dirty or faulty sensors can provide incorrect readings to the engine control module (ECU), resulting in poor performance, misfires or increased fuel consumption. Ensuring the cleanliness and integrity of sensors is crucial to engine efficiency.

Procedure and Equipment

Disconnect Sensors:

Identification: Identify and disconnect each sensor (such as MAP, MAF, TPS, temperature sensors).

Disconnection: Disconnect sensors carefully to avoid damage.

Sensor Inspection and Cleaning:

Use of Appropriate Cleaner: Carefully clean the sensors with the appropriate sensor cleaner. Follow the cleaner manufacturer's instructions.

Careful Cleaning: Make sure not to damage the delicate sensor components during cleaning.

Damage Check: Visually inspect each sensor for physical damage or stubborn dirt. Check connectors and wires for wear or corrosion.

Calibration Check:

Use of Diagnostic Tools: Check sensor calibration as needed, using appropriate diagnostic tools to ensure accurate readings.

Comparison to Specifications: Compare readings to manufacturer specifications to ensure sensors are functioning properly.

Reconnect the Sensors:

Reinstallation: Reinstall the sensors carefully, ensuring all connections are secure and free from dirt.

Final Test: Start the engine and check that all sensors are operating correctly and providing accurate readings.

Regularly cleaning and checking the sensors around the engine are essential to maintaining engine efficiency and performance. Following these procedures helps prevent performance problems and ensure engine longevity.

1.5 - Bench Review of Cold Welds and Inspection of the Engine Control Module

Importance of Review

Cold solders in the engine control module (ECU) can cause intermittent failures and performance problems. These defects result from inadequate electrical connections due to incomplete or compromised soldering. Checking and repairing cold welds is essential to ensure ECU reliability, especially before performing any remapping. Modules that are more than 10 years old are particularly susceptible to these failures due to wear and thermal degradation.

What is a Cold Weld and Why Does It Occur?

  • Definition : A cold solder is a faulty electrical connection where the solder has not completely melted or adhered correctly to the components, resulting in a brittle connection with high electrical resistance.
  • Causes : May occur due to inadequate temperatures during welding, movement of components while the weld is cooling, or due to degradation over time in control modules that have been in use for many years.

How Cold Welding Occurs

Cold welds occur when the solder does not reach the correct temperature to completely fuse with the mating surfaces. This can be caused by an insufficiently hot soldering iron, improper application of solder, or movement of components during the cooling process. Cold soldering results in a brittle, non-conductive connection.

Additional Factors that Compromise the Engine Control Module

In addition to cold soldering problems, the engine control module can suffer from several other external influences that compromise its functionality:

  • Weather Interperies : Exposure to extremes in temperature, humidity and other environmental factors.
  • Invasion of the Environment : Entry of solvents, water, oil and other liquids that can damage internal components.
  • Corrosion of Components : Degradation of materials due to exposure to corrosive agents.
  • Burnt Components : Failures due to electrical overloads or short circuits.

Consequences of Inadequate Reviews

Modules that have been overhauled by unqualified people may have poor quality welds and other problems that do not resolve the original defects and may even make the situation worse. This includes improper application of solder, use of inappropriate equipment and lack of technical knowledge.

Why Remapping a Vehicle with Cold Welding Won't Improve Performance

Performing a remap on a vehicle with cold welds on the ECU may not improve performance because sensor readings and ECU commands may be inconsistent. Cold welds can cause intermittent failures, resulting in incorrect data being sent to the ECU. This compromises the accuracy of remapping modifications and can lead to inconsistent performance or even engine damage.

Why Vehicles With More Than 10 Years of Operation That Have Never Had a Module Inspection Will Have Cold Welds

Vehicles over 10 years old may develop cold welds due to thermal and mechanical degradation. Continuous exposure to heating and cooling cycles, vibrations and other environmental factors can compromise the integrity of solder connections. Without proper review and maintenance, these welds can deteriorate, resulting in electrical failures and performance issues.

2 - What Drivers Usually Notice After Remap

Improvement in Gait Gain and Resumption:

Drivers often report a significant improvement in the vehicle's ability to accelerate and resume driving after a remap. This is due to the adjustment of engine parameters, which optimizes power and torque delivery in different speed ranges.

Best Power for Development:

Remapping can increase the engine's maximum power, providing more robust performance in a variety of driving conditions. This is especially noticeable when driving on fast roads or uphill.

Improved Pedal Sensitivity and Overtaking Experience:

The response of the accelerator pedal becomes more precise and immediate, facilitating safe and efficient overtaking. The feeling of control and quick responsiveness are enhanced.

More Safety and Improved Overtaking:

With increased power and torque, overtaking maneuvers become safer and faster, reducing the time needed to complete the maneuver and minimizing risks.

Power, Torque and Speed ​​Gain:

The adjustments made during the remap generally result in noticeable gains in power, torque and maximum speed, improving the vehicle's overall performance.

Possibility of Improving Fuel Consumption:

While remap is often associated with increased power, it can also be adjusted to improve fuel efficiency by optimizing the air-fuel mixture and torque curve to save fuel in certain driving conditions.

Improved Vehicle Response Time and Feeling of Having Plenty of Pedal to Accelerate:

The reduction in engine response time after remap provides a feeling of readiness and superior control, with the driver realizing that there is plenty of power available when needed, providing a more pleasant and safe driving experience.

Engine remapping can transform the driving experience, offering a number of noticeable benefits in terms of power, efficiency and vehicle control. Drivers often notice significant improvements in performance, safety and fuel economy after remapping, making this modification an attractive option for those who want to maximize their vehicle's potential.

3 - Economy Expectations X Reality – Conditions for Improvement in the Average

How can a more powerful car consume less fuel?

To improve average fuel consumption, it is essential that the driver is aware that the vehicle has been remapped, thus allowing the driver to adapt their driving style to take advantage of this change.

Conditions for Improvement in the Average:

Adjusted Driving Style:

A remap can result in a more efficient engine, operating optimally. If the driver adapts his driving style to take advantage of this efficiency, maintaining smooth driving and within speed limits, it is possible to see an improvement in fuel consumption.

Operation in Original Conditions:

By keeping the vehicle in the same original drivability and effort conditions, the efficiency of the remapped engine can result in more efficient operation at the same speed. This reduces the effort required to perform the same tasks, potentially reducing fuel consumption in this work regime.

Requirements Beyond the Limits:

However, if the vehicle is pushed beyond its original limits, using a greater percentage of the extra power made available by remapping, it will actually consume more fuel. Excessive use of the extra power will increase consumption, as the engine will be working harder to provide this additional performance.

Remapping can lead to improved fuel economy if the driver adjusts their driving style to take advantage of the engine's efficiency. However, it is important to understand that excessive use of extra power can result in higher fuel consumption. Adaptation and moderation are essential to optimizing fuel economy after a remap.

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